Relaxation to Resilience in Elementary School
“One of the most pertinent and important topics… I’m passionate about it!” Guy Louis Sferlazza

Why Relaxation and Mindfulness in School?
- Improve self-regulation, social and emotional learning…
- Over 20 years of research has proven that these skills help all ages, and are especially important to support students at all levels of education
- Benefits teachers as well as the kids

What They'll Learn:
- Essential breathing and movement techniques
- Mindful skills to be more alert, focused and present
- The latest discoveries of brain science
- Applications for the classroom and at home
- And more in a musical and engaging format
- Grade level appropriate follow-up guides for teachers & parents
- Workshops for Teachers & Family Night presentations available
Introduce your entire school to the latest science on relaxation, mindfulness and resilience in a fun and musical interactive format. The latest research proves that very simple breathing and movement techniques, practiced for just a few minutes each day can create measurable results! Learn these techniques, presented in a way that students and teachers can begin to use the very next day in classrooms.
Guy Louis, the presenter of “Worlds of Music” and “Chautauqua Express Musical Programs” since 1986, holds a B.A. in Music from Oakland University in Rochester, MI.; is a certified Mindfulness Instructor through Mindful Schools (; a certified coach through HeartMath (; and has been an Artist-in-Residence for Wolf Trap Early Learning Through the Arts in Vienna, VA. This program is based on the most recent research available to Mindful Schools, HeartMath and other leading resilience and mindfulness in education resources.
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