Middle and High School Programs – Guy Louis

Middle and High School Programs

Classic Family and Kids Concerts use acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin and ukelele. Songs are drawn from all genres including Guy’s own songs, and each show is designed for the audience at hand. Hear classics like “Yellow Submarine”, “I’m a Believer”, “Your Momma Don’t Dance” and more that will bring all ages together.  Guy will actively engage the young people the entire show, while playing music that will delight all ages.  https://youtu.be/9dgshJZ6Mg4


World Music Tour is a cultural musical celebration featuring Native America (Drum, Shakers, Flute, Whistle), Renaissance Europe (Lute), Africa (Percussion galore), India (Sitar, Tamboura and Tabla), and Modern America (PRS Hollow Body Electric Guitar). Hands-on interaction, expert musicianship and light-hearted delivery blend to bring the world to your community.


Please inquire about other family concert themes to match your needs, such as “Reading Family Fun Night”, “Rockin’ 50’s Family Fun”, “Introducing Relaxation”, “Winter Holiday” and more…

Click here to see our Special Show Themes